gamma guy

genderless (pre-sentience), girl (post-sentience), it/they/she, ageless

fun fact: her name is that cause when i showed my first drawing to bugclub discord server, i asked "chat what do i name them" and this youtuber gamma guy replied with "gamma guy"

and i was like "yeah sure ok" cause honestly i have no other name ideas for them, anyways gamma guy lore drop:

k so the year is 2025 but in another universe where humanity is more tech advanced and robots being everywhere has become a norm. gamma has not been activated and is lying in the basement of a robo-parts store behind a closed off section behind a curtain. a kid in the shop asks her mom to go to the bathroom and the bathroom is downstairs aka the basement. this kid sees the curtain, goes towards it, ignoring the "keep out" sign, peeks behind the curtain, see's powered down gamma and leaves, leaving the curtain open a bit. a worker bot sees the semi opened curtain, goes there, sees powered down gamma and follows its new objecive to power on gamma, taking the missing parts out of the boxes that arrived a week ago, gamma wakes up. keep in mind, similar to how ppl would look at 2000's tech compared to nowadays stuff and call it "more stylish" or "nostalgic", gamma apears as a 2000's model series of robots, specifically the sidekick models (basically a walking alexa, with several other features). sidekick models still exist but dont take on the chibi anime girl/boy appearence, but rather just a bunch of triangles formed to look something like a drone. so gamma wakes up, hops off the tablee she's sitting on but gets stopped by the worker bot, asking for model ID, but gamma was actually a home-built bot, having no model ID. the worker bot then asks for information on their owner, gamma still has no clue (he died, like 2 weeks ago. old age). so now she's taken into police custody as means to find any trace of an owner or origin, the police then find they were built by an independant individual (that old ass guy who died) instead of an actual robot-manufacturing company. the police also find that the owner died in his own home so the cops return gamma to shop, power them off and lie them down back where they were before. a couple days fly by and remember the kid that had to pee earlier? yeah she's back, she goes back downstairs but goes straight to gammas resting table and takes one of their arms, finds a tag-gun and slaps a fake price onto their arm, goes back upstairs to the counter, checks out the arm, leaves and goes home. she does this again with her torso, other arm, legs, seperate head and S.S (or "hair" for short) because those are technically sepereate products. (to be continued)
